Monday, October 1, 2012

Aku x kesah engkau bagaimana rupanya...♥♥♥

Walaupun hitam, cantik jge.. ♥
Walaupun double XL, cantik jge.. ♥
Igt org kurus je cantik! ♥
Igt org kulit cerah je cantik! ♥
Hati2 kulitnya cantik, dalamnya berulat, x de faedahnya di mata Allah.. ♥
Org b'taqwa tidak ada pura2 dah.. ♥
Baik dpn Tuhan, baik dpn ibu n ayah.. ♥
Baik dpn isteri dan baik juga dpn suami.. ♥
Baik juga dpn isteri dan suami org, tp bkn mahu dia utk jd psgn.. ♥
U know that 

God is always watching u.. ♥
X payah kene ada CCTV, bru nk jaga perilaku.. ♥
Oleh itu, bersihkan hati.. ♥
Hati yg bersih, pasti akan ikhlas.. ♥
Hati yg ikhlas pasti dibalas.. ♥



Anonymous said...

Straight to the point and well written! Why can't everyone else be like this?

Hanya Sekuntum Mawar 2012 said...

Different people have different style of thinking.. So as a person that still live in this world, why don't we keep accepting people no matter how bad they are.. and just keep praying that everyone else will also accept us no matter how bad we are...
<3 u... may GOD bless u always

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